PLS - Playstation London Studio
PLS stands for Playstation London Studio
Here you will find, what does PLS stand for in Firm under Media category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Playstation London Studio? Playstation London Studio can be abbreviated as PLS What does PLS stand for? PLS stands for Playstation London Studio. What does Playstation London Studio mean?Playstation London Studio is an expansion of PLS
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Alternative definitions of PLS
- Private Line service
- Peninsula Library System
- Professional Land Surveyor
- Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands
- Pure Live Seed
- Public Library Services
- Peninsula Library System
- Primary Lateral Sclerosis
View 176 other definitions of PLS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- PMP Pinnacle Mortgage Planning
- PS Proof of the Sum
- PREB Preferred Real Estate Brokers
- PWM Presidential Wealth Management
- PPF Prodigy Properties Florida
- PTPSA Pioneer Technology Portugal S.A.
- PCS Penn Chambers Solicitors
- PSP Pathways of Southwestern Pennsylvania
- PP The Printing Press
- PAL Prime Agri Limited
- PFMS Pet Foods Market and Supplies
- PHSI Professional Healthcare Services Inc
- PSML Parker Shumaker Mills LLP
- PVG Pacific Venture Group
- PTCSCT PTC Sports Community Trust
- PBI Paul c Buff Inc
- PSL Pam Supermarket Limited
- PMA Progressive Martial Arts
- PDEL Power Distribution Enterprises LLC
- PRE Premier Realty Exclusive